From Gummy Bear Mementos To A 'Retro-Fabulous' Sanctuary, See What's Behind The Scenes Of 'Finding Carter'

Allow Zac Pullam, who plays Grant, to serve as your tour guide.

Grant has already proven to be the most adept member of the Wilson family, and the actor behind the "Finding Carter" character, Zac Pullam, seems to have all the answers, too.

The show's youngest star very graciously serves as your on-set tour guide in the video below. And between insight into the staircase-to-nowhere, a mention of Grant's "shelf of wonders" and a seamless run-through of Bird's sanctuary, Pullam has the inside scoop on every wall, floorboard and screw along the sound stage.

The Wilson "house" genuinely feels like Pullam's second home, but there's still one thing that trips him up each time he passes by -- the size of Taylor's mini-bed. Our teenage selves can identify, Tay!

"I always point that out to everybody," he says, as he motions to the humble twin frame. "Her bed is, like, the width of my arms...I'm always like 'How do you sleep on that bed?'" Trip to Ikea on the horizon? Let us know -- we're always up for a few Swedish meatballs!

Check out the segment for a behind-the-scenes look at "Finding Carter," and be sure to keep tuning in Tuesday nights at 10/9c!

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