Learn How To Do A Festival Right With Marnie The Dog

She's a VIP -- 'Very Important Pup'

Photos by Radhika Marya

Chicago, IL - We're having a pretty amazingly rad time at Pitchfork Music Festival, but there's one fest-goer jangling through the fray who just knows how to do this thing right. That fest-goer's name? Marnie The Dog. You heard me. The dog.

A 12-year-old Shih Tzu from New York City, Marnie has more celeb selfies than Macklemore -- and nearly 50,000 followers on Instagram. Throw her a follow if you haven't already. You'll thank me later, I promise.

We hung out with Marnie for a bit at Pitchfork and watched her make the festival rounds -- and let me tell you, kids, this dog has more star power than headliner Kendrick Lamar.

Take a peek at Marnie's average fest day below and try not to hate your life.

Just moshing at Perfect Pussy. No big

Marnie may be 12 in human years, but she's 84 in dog years -- and ready to rage

But first she hit up the ATM

And the bathrooms. They look dubious

Here she is refueling with popcorn

And picking up some sick vinyl

The fans were clamoring for photos!

To avoid the hoards, she hopped a golf cart to VIP

And chilled with the Dum Dum Girls...

Radhika Marya


Empress Of...

And Perfect Pussy. NaptimeVille, USA, population Marnie and Meredith!

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