Zooey Deschanel Talks She & Him At The mtvU Woodie Awards

Singer/actress promises 'some more lush production and some sweet jams' on 'Volume One' follow-up.

[movieperson id="236669"]Zooey Deschanel[/movieperson] was on hand at the 2009 mtvU Woodie Awards to give out the Breaking Woodie prize (to the epically maned [artist id="3096137"]Never Shout Never[/artist]) and to watch [article id="1621934"]her husband, Ben Gibbard[/article], tear through [article id="1626621"]a set with Death Cab for Cutie[/article].

But in between, she took some time to talk to MTV News about musical endeavors of her own -- namely, the much-anticipated new album from She & Him, her project with M. Ward. Of course, in [article id="1603371"]keeping with tradition[/article], she didn't want to give away too much.

"It's going to [be a] more evolved version of the sound but bigger and with some more lush production and some sweet jams," she laughed. "I'm not at liberty to say [when the album will be released]. ... I don't know if it's 'top secret,' but I've been told I'm not allowed to say, so I'll just say that it's close to being done and probably coming out in the spring. Probably. Maybe."

So fans probably, maybe can expect to hear the follow-up to [article id="1601427"]Volume One[/article] this spring. But that doesn't mean Deschanel isn't giving the project her full attention. Even after earning raves (and becoming one of this year's [article id="1627110"]actors we're most thankful for[/article]) for her turn in this year's indie-flick [article id="1589729"]"(500) Days of Summer,"[/article] she'd still rather be making music over movies any day. After all, it's just easier that way.

"Well, there are fewer people you have to deal with in the music world, and I have more power, I think, because I'm writing music, and it's just a few of us in the studio," she said. "So it's probably easier for me in the music world."

Don't miss the 2009 mtvU Woodie Awards, airing Friday at 10 p.m. on MTV, MTV2 and mtvU!

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