Cannes Film Festival

Amy Nicholson's Cannes Diary: A Bloody Mel Gibson, Sarcastic Lobsters, And The Movie Leo's Grandkids Can See In 100 Years

Our film critic's long journey into the red-carpeted heart of cinema has ended. This is her final dispatch from France.

Amy Nicholson's Cannes Diary: The Boo-Birds Return To Feast Upon Sean Penn's Tears, Elle Fanning's Innocence

Meanwhile, our intrepid chief film critic encounters a homicidal seagull. C'est la vie.

Amy Nicholson's Cannes Diary: A Party Crasher Thwarted, Inappropriate Steampunk Dancers, And A Loving Awards Hopeful

Unfortunately, a butterfly died to bring you this latest dispatch from our chief film critic.

Amy Nicholson's Cannes Diary: A Tale Of Two Fishers. And One Adam Driver. And Some Dogs.

Our chief film critic reports from France as the competition for this year's Palm Dog heats up.

Amy Nicholson's Cannes Diary: A Tango In The Beach-Forest, A Missed Date With Spielberg, And A Shia Love Connection

Further adventures of our chief film critic in France (watch out for the tentacles!)

Amy Nicholson's Cannes Diary, Day 2: Sometimes It Rains In Mid-May (And Washes Out Your Prince Screening)

Our chief film critic reports from the Croisette -- where the weather is not cooperating and Kendall Jenner is good at selling ice cream

Amy Nicholson's Cannes Diary, Day 1: Fantasy And Fact Blur At Film Critic Summer Camp

MTV's chief critic is on the loose in France. These are her daily dispatches from the world's most important film festival.