Dystopia Now!

Fascism Has Already Come To America

For generations of black Americans, the United States between the end of Reconstruction and the civil rights movement was a dystopian state

Death By Paradise

No dystopia is built without a utopia in mind

Mother Peril

How America endangered and profited from black motherhood

Cat Eyes For A Catastrophe

Darcie Wilder has some beauty tips for an impending dystopic hellscape

Janelle Monáe’s Android Rebellion

The oppression she fights in her musical science fiction is grounded in reality

The Red Pill Theory

We can choose to read The Matrix, and the red pill/blue pill choice within, as either the Wachowski sisters’ queer utopia or a fascist guidebook

The Thin Red Line Between 'The Handmaid’s Tale' And Reality

At our marches, red is the color of female solidarity; in fiction, it’s the color of female servitude

Apocalypse, Now: Bad ’80s Flicks That Predicted These End-Of-Days Times

Here’s what dystopian hell awaits us, according to these ’80s movies and straight-to-video gems

During The Apocalypse, Is A Nancy Meyers Kitchen Still White?

As our reality inches toward a real-life ‘Blade Runner,’ we present you with several typically cheery directors and the nightmare films they could (and should) be making

How Pop-Culture Dystopias Can Help Us Understand Our Current Moment

Welcome to Dystopia Week

The Great Dictators

A list of six movies with six fictional oppressors — most of whom we’d take over Trump any day