Pole, µ-ziq's Music To Accompany Video Event

We, Vladislav Delay also scheduled to play at Granular Synthesis' innovative NoiseGate in June.

Avant-garde electronic producers µ-ziq, Scanner and Pole are among the artists and composers scheduled to perform during the U.S. premiere of the innovative music-video project NoiseGate.

The event, which will be held at the Brooklyn Anchorage inside the Brooklyn Bridge in Brooklyn, N.Y., from June 8–25, uses software designed by the renowned Austrian art duo Granular Synthesis to manipulate video footage to live sounds.

NoiseGate is being produced by Creative Time, a New York multimedia art collective.

"They digitally filmed this actor moving his head," Creative Time's Wendy Dembo said. "And using the software, the ambient sounds of the Brooklyn Bridge will change the way it's projected. So it's not a typical video projection in that you don't see the same thing twice."

Six videos, which will be projected onto 20-by-15-foot screens, will show footage of the disembodied head moving in time to a layered soundscape of live and recorded sounds.

Granular Synthesis (Kurt Hentschlager and Ulf Langheinrich) also created a soundtrack to the project, but on the three Thursday nights at the Anchorage, live electronic musicians will change the audio/visual environment by placing their sonic imprint over the recorded music.

Pole, Scanner and µ-ziq will perform on June 8; the New York music and art trio We, Finnish abstract ambient producer Vladislav Delay and Fennesz come through on June 15; and Japanese minimalist composer Ryoji Ikeda and Alain Thibault play June 22.

µ-ziq's (born Mike Paradinas) sixth album, Royal Astronomy, came out last year and featured the underground hit single "The Fear" (RealAudio excerpt).

Pole's debut album, CD/LP 1 was released in 1998. Its otherworldly ambient sound, as heard on "Tanzen" (RealAudio excerpt), was hailed as a unique take on electronic dub.

"It's kind of like the DJs will be doing live scoring to the video installation," Dembo said. "[Granular Synthesis] are really important technology innovators," so electronic artists are eager to support them.

The Anchorage is a unique venue inside the Brooklyn base of the Brooklyn Bridge where progressive multimedia events have been staged in the last few summers.

"It's a weird, cavernous, sort of gothic set of chambers that are about three stories high," Dembo said. "There's going to be minimal lighting with these heads that just move. It's going to be really scary."

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