Marilyn Manson Calgary Date Looks Doomed

Marilyn Manson may have finally met his match.

Controversy has followed his Antichrist Superstar tour throughout

the United States and Canada. In America he triumphed over would-be nixers

of his concerts either by asserting his First Amendment rights (New Jersey, Virginia), or -- as he did in South Carolina -- by taking the prohibitionists' money and running (that is, getting paid tens of thousands of dollars not to play).

But on Wednesday, the shock rocker faced a tougher and more resilient nemesis north of the border.

In the city of Calgary, where officials at the Max Bell Centre last week

canceled Manson's July 25 concert even after they signed a contract to hold

it, a legal fight looks certain to remain unresolved by the performance

date -- effectively canning the show.

Universal Concerts Canada (UCC) vice-president Mark Norman and Manson supporter told ATN Thursday, "I'm pretty disappointed" by the judge's ruling in his company's breach-of-contract suit against the Ryckman Amateur Sports Society, which runs the Max Bell Centre.

Chief Justice Ken Moore ruled Wednesday that a trial was necessary to

determine whether the society was tricked into booking Manson. No date has

been set for the court date, but it would likely take place after the July 25 concert date.

Larry Ryckman, chairman of the amateur sports society, must post a $35,000 bond by noon Monday. That money would be awarded to UCC if the court finds in their favor at a future trial.

"We are obviously very pleased that Justice Moore saw it

the way we did," Ryckman told ATN Friday. "Certain board members have insured that the bond will be posted by Monday.

Ryckman maintains that he was unaware of Manson's predilection for

offensive behavior (such Bible tearing and swearing), and thus duped into

booking the artist he later called "offensive, obscene and demeaning."

"I'm hoping that Ryckman doesn't post bond," Norman said, though he

predicted the chairman would have no trouble raising the money. "If he

doesn't post bond, the judge will pass an injunction allowing the concert

to proceed."

Norman contends that his company warned the society about Manson's

controversial shows. Moreover, he said they refused additional

resources offered by UCC. "They turned down information we wanted to give

them, such as lists of buildings Manson has played," along with names and

phone numbers for venue managers and local police officers. "They said,

'No, don't worry about it. It'll be OK.'"

But Ryckman said Norman himself in court "admitted to being unaware of

Manson's lyrics, T-shirts, or an article in Hit Parader where Manson

said he had oral sex on-stage with a band member."

For now there is little that UCC can do. "We just sit and wait until

Monday," Norman said. "Then we prepare our legal battle if Ryckman posts

bond. We don't have much recourse."

Meanwhile, Manson is gearing up for a Friday taping of Bill Maher's Politically Incorrect. Manson is scheduled to match wits with Watergate cat burglar G. Gordon Liddy; Brady Bunch mom Florence Henderson; and Miss Black California, Lakita Garth. Watch for the show to air on July 31.

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