Ex-Ramones Lend Furious George A Hand

Furious George plan to cover a Monkees' tune.

Those who think that the Riverdales have a lock on the title of

"Most Likely To Be Confused with the Ramones" should check out the band's label

mates at Lookout Records, Furious George. While Furious George doesn't model

their every move on the original punk rock idols (as do the Riverdales), they

do have several tricks up their sleeve--such as having none other than Dee Dee

Ramone himself sing back-ups on their latest single.

How did just a

year-old act like Furious George snare Dee Dee for "Betty Crocker Punk Rocker?"

Says singer and guitarist George Tabb, "It was as simple as saying, 'Hey, Dee

Dee, we're doing a record, we'd love you to sing on it.' And he said, 'What

time do I have to be there?'" That's the kind of clout George carries as an

ex-roadie for the Ramones. Oh yeah, he was also best man at Dee Dee's wedding


(George reports that it was a simple ceremony in New York's city

hall. And Barbara, the new Mrs. Ramone, is also a member of Dee Dee's new band

called Dee Dee Ramone's I.C.L.C. What's that stand for? "I have no fucking

clue," says Tabb. "He says it's got something to do with some commune that he

lived in Holland with Nina Hagen.")

"Betty Crocker Punk Rocker" is one of

three songs on Furious George's Lookout debut, Furious George Goes Ape.

Before fronting the New York three piece, Tabb spent time in Roach Motel and

False Prophets. He also writes a column for the punk mag


Furious George, though, is clearly his greatest

personal triumph. "It's an honor to have your idols be into your music," says

Tabb. He notes that Joey Ramone's favorite tune is not "Betty Crocker," but a

revenge number called "Gilligan." In fact, Joey has of late been singing the

song at Furious George's New York appearances. "Joey did a bunch of songs at

our last show, and Dee Dee played guitar on a bunch of songs." Tabb says that

Joey is interested in producing the next Furious George single, or perhaps a

three-way split release with Furious George, the Riverdales and the Queers.

"Joey's really into it, and we're talking with him and [Ramones producer]

Daniel Rey.

For now, though, Tabb is busy hoping that his band isn't sued

by the owners of the Curious George copyright (the Goes Ape cover

is a lovingly done parody of the children's book series), as well as recording

a track for the upcoming TV Toons compilation on Which Records. What

song are they doing? "The Monkees Theme," of course.

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