Hilary Duff's Going To Dye Her Son's Hair Blue Because His Teachers Can't Tell Him No

Hilary and son will soon have matching blue locks

Hilary Duff loves being a mom, but even she has to admit that sometimes social distancing with her family can be difficult. Luckily, there are plenty of fun times that help her get through the more difficult moments – like dyeing her son's hair blue.

In a recent interview with Cosmopolitan, Duff opened up about her partnership with Kohl's for Mother's Day as well as her struggles with looking after her children 24/7 while in quarantine with them.

"It's exhausting. It's so exhausting. You know, I have my days where I'm like, 'Oh, I moved mountains and I deserve a medal.' And then there are other days where I’m like, 'How can I complain?' We're all healthy and we have a backyard and we have a pool," she said of her prolonged family time.

"You know, it's hard. I know a lot of people are getting judgments for complaining. You know, people that have what they need. I feel extremely appreciative. And also everyone— no matter who you are—is experiencing loss on some level. Luckily that's not loss of life, but life changes and that's going to affect anyone. And that's okay to honor your feelings," Duff said of dealing with the judgment that's come along with complaining about being stuck at home with children as of late.

"Honestly, most days are good," she continued. "I've had like three really hard days where I feel really low and I feel so burnt and so tired of my kids, you know? Kids are annoying, I'm not going to lie. When I get in bed every single night and we're like, 'Oh my God, do we hate our kids or what?' And then we wake up and the next day's a new day and we're like, 'We're so freaking grateful for our kids.' They're funny and they make us laugh and they also frustrate the hell out of us."

But one of the coolest things to come of isolating with her kids? Being able to dye her son's hair blue. Duff actually dyed her own deep, ocean blue just days ago, and is now planning on letting her son have the same color since there's no teachers around to ruin his fun.

"I had a hair appointment on the books but I canceled it because we were quarantining a little bit before we were supposed to," she said of her blue locks. "My son was always asking me to dye his hair blue – he goes to a private school, so they're not allowed to. Since we're home, I'm like, 'Well, they can't really tell me you can't have blue hair for his Zoom meeting.' I'm the teacher now, so I'm making these rules."

Sounds like a good reason to us. In fact, let's all get in line for the blue hair. Hilary is truly rocking it.

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