'I Feel Like It Was My Fault': 'Young And Pregnant''s Brianna Opens Up About Her Son's Disability

Will the 'Young and Pregnant' cast member get over her guilt?

Brianna's Teen Mom: Young and Pregnant season began with a big change: She’s about to move across the country with her mom, son Braeson and boyfriend Robert. But as she gears up for this life change, she's also grown increasingly worried about her son's disability.

During the premiere episode, Bri blamed herself for her son’s missing arm, which she said last season was a result of amniotic band syndrome, or constricted growth while he was in utero. From there, the mother-son duo met with a therapist from Easterseals, a local organization that provides developmental activities to physically challenged babies. But when Brianna learned her eight-month-old wasn’t hitting some of the milestones that other babies his age were -- like crawling -- she worried about the implications of his birth defect.


“I feel like it’s hard to watch him struggle,” she told her therapist. “I know that he’s getting frustrated... He wants to do it, and that’s what makes me feel the worst.”

Brianna then admitted she wants answers surrounding his disability, if nothing more than to put her mind at ease.

“It made no sense to me. Like, why would this happen? But it happened. I feel like it was my fault… but even just knowing why it happened would kind of be peace of mind," she said.

Luckily, the therapist said Braeson can still get treatment even when they move out to Oregon, but will Brianna get over her guilt? Tell us your thoughts, then keep watching new episodes of Young and Pregnant Mondays at 10/9c.

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