'Ned's Declassified''s Coconut Head Has A Zany New TV Show

'This Just In' basically gives us a high school Coconut Head

If you've missed the antics of the quirky Coconut Head from Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide, fret no more. Rob Pinkston, best-known for playing everyone's favorite James K. Polk Middle School student, is back with a new TV show of his own creation.

This Just In, which premieres Saturday (December 10) on Pop TV, follows an eclectic group of high schoolers who form their own community through the school's television channel. In addition to creating the series and starring on it, Pinkston also wrote and directed most of the episodes.

When asked about his character, Rob — who gives off serious Coconut Head 2.0 vibes based on the above clip — Pinkston told MTV News, "I'd say my character is basically my idea of [what] Coconut Head's high school years would be like. Forever a goober," adding, "And definitely a better fashion sense!" Sign us up.

The series also stars Great Big World documentary host Elizabeth Stanton, Disney star Jennifer Veal, Kristos Andrews, and Wyntergrace Williams. And if you can't wait to see the show before it actually airs, you can check out a special episode released on YouTube now.

This Just In

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