Kanye West Would Have Voted For Trump

If he had voted at all

Kanye West had a lot of political opinions to share at his concert Thursday night (November 17).

Though the rapper had been quiet about the election, he finally spoke out at his show at San Jose, California’s SAP Center. According to attendees, Kanye talked for more than an hour in total about the future of the country — and how he would have voted for Donald Trump if he had voted at all.

Though he was met with boos from the audience, he said that he liked Trump’s debate style and his rejection of political correctness. He’s also glad that Trump’s rise made America’s racism more transparent. Neither candidate, he said, would have been able to end racism in the United States.

It’s not clear why Kanye didn’t vote in this year’s presidential election, but he did confirm that he’s still planning on running for president in 2020. As to which party he’d be joining, the ball is still up in the air — he doesn’t seem partial to either, or to the idea of a two-party system in general.

His focus, he said, would be on reforming the education system and working across party lines.

If this is the start of Kanye’s campaign, it’s already proving to be a contentious one.

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