‘Make America Wooooo! Again’: Waka Flacka Flame’s Official Campaign Ad Is Here

Co-starring Ric Flair, of all people

There’s just under three weeks to go until the U.S. presidential election, but it’s never too late to shake up the race a little. Enter Waka Flocka Flame, who first announced his pot-friendly presidential run in April 2015, but is now jumping in dreads-first with an official campaign video.

The only problem? Waka is 30, and the U.S. Constitution dictates you have to be at least 35 to hold the nation’s highest office. So the crafty Atlanta MC selected a new running mate: WWE legend Ric Flair, who half-coherently proclaims in the video, “You could have Waka Flocka and The Nature Boy on the same ticket now. Register to vote! We won't lose!”

I mean ... it’s not like this election couldn’t have gotten any weirder.

If you're now fully convinced you should vote Waka/Flair, the running mates have also launched an official website, where you can buy all the “Make America Wooooo! Again” shirts, mugs, and hats you could ever possibly need. Wooooo!

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