Buying Beyoncé’s New Gym Clothes Might Give You Beyoncé Dance Skills

Probably not, but the latest Ivy Park collection is #confirmed tour-tested, Beyoncé-approved

How many times have you gone shopping for gym clothes and thought to yourself (or hey, even said aloud — IDK what you do on your own time), "But can I execute Beyoncé's Formation tour choreography in this?" At least once, right? Well, extremely good news: Bey and Topshop have dropped the latest Ivy Park collection, and it is #confirmed tour-tested, Beyoncé-approved.

A short promotional video narrated by Beyoncé shows the athletic range in action, worn by The Woman Who Ended Album Release Dates™ herself during rehearsals for her Formation tour. Bey does back-bends, leg-lifts, and hits every single explosive dance move — all clad in head-to-toe Ivy Park.

Disclaimer: Beyoncé dance skills are actually not included with purchase. But it can't hurt to try!

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