Bruce Springsteen Thinks Donald Trump’s Campaign Is ‘A Great Embarrassment’

The Boss goes in on the ‘carny barker’ candidate, finally

UPDATE (9/22/16, 3:00 p.m. ET): Rolling Stone has released excerpts from its forthcoming feature on Bruce Springsteen in which he outright calls Donald Trump a "moron": "The ideas he's moving to the mainstream are all very dangerous ideas – white nationalism and the alt-right movement. The outrageous things that he's done – not immediately disavowing David Duke? These are things that are obviously beyond the pale for any previous political candidate. It would sink your candidacy immediately." He also goes on to endorse Hillary Clinton, saying that he thinks she would be a "very, very good president."

Bruce Springsteen has been noticeably quiet regarding the 2016 presidential race, which is a bit shocking considering his long and documented history of speaking truth to power and lending his voice to progressive politics.

Now Bruce has finally commented on the upcoming election — and he sums up exactly how he feels in a succinct two minutes.

In an interview with Norway's NRK, he opened up about the election and Trump, whom he compared to a "carny barker."

"He comes along, and he has a simple answer to all these very, very complex problems," he told NKR. "And he's telling people some of the things that they want to hear: 'If you're very uncomfortable by the browning of America, well, we're gonna build a wall and keep all those people out.' This is basically his campaign, saying it like I'm saying it here."

Bruce plays devil's advocate, too, being sure to point out that the current economic climate of the United States is "just a rich environment, unfortunately, for a demagogue. The absurdity is beyond cartoon-like."

The Boss's final word on the matter? "Even him running is a great embarrassment if you're an American."

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