We Finally Found Out What Thor Was Up To During 'Captain America: Civil War'

Spoiler Alert: It involves Australia and wearing board shorts

It’s totally fine that you didn’t invite Thor to your massive fight, Tony Stark and Captain America. His feelings aren’t hurt at all. Nope. Not even a little bit.

In a new clip from Marvel Studios, we learn why Thor was absent for the legendary battle between Avengers that went down during Captain America: Civil War. The flaxen-haired hammer-hurler was noticeably MIA, and it turns out he was cooling his heels Down Under with his new BFF and roommate, Darryl.

“We had this cool adventure saving Earth, and I was pretty happy,” Thor tells the camera crew when he’s asked to bring us up to speed. “So anyway, I needed some me time, and I came to Australia, and that’s when I moved in with Darryl.”

Who needs a gang of superheroes to hang with when you’ve got a dude who knows how to send an email and keeps out of your room, anyway? Darryl helps Thor draft a note or two to the Cap and Stark, as he heard about their skirmish and wanted to offer his advice and assistance if need be.

He proceeds to walk the camera crew through his newfound “average, everyday people” kind of life, complete with homemade posters detailing his Avengers antics. He even makes time for a visit with Bruce Banner (a.k.a. the Incredible Hulk when he’s not, erm, Hulkified).

It becomes real clear real quick that the Avengers, uh, kind of forgot about their cape-wielding buddy, and his feelings are a little bruised over it, so much so that he’s considering ditching the Avengers and forming his own “Team Thor.”

Watch the clip in full above, which is one of the special features including in the Captain America: Civil War special edition that’ll be available for viewing on multiple formats September 2.

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