Maisie Williams Says ‘Nothing Will Will Prepare You’ For 'Game Of Thrones' Season 7

A Girl has spoken and she says, ‘Shit gets real’

Production on Game of Thrones's seventh season isn't starting until the fall, but the first word about the new season has already leaked — thanks to A Girl named Maisie Williams (Arya Stark).

On Monday, the Emmy-nominated actress tweeted that she had just finished reading Season 7. (Whether or not she was being supervised by an HBO sniper has yet to be revealed.) And, well, she has some thoughts about the next seven episodes.

With all of the major characters now converging on the same soil, we should have known Season 7 would effectively turn into The Real World: Westeros, when people stop being polite and start getting real. That being said, we have some ideas on what would elicit the extremely apt response of “holy BALLS,” and most of them involve death and peril.

Meanwhile, fellow Stark Kit Harington (Jon Snow) recently told The Hollywood Reporter that he has yet to read any of the Season 7 scripts but that he feels the series will get “very bleak before if there is a happy ending — if there's any sort of win or heroic moment for Jon and everyone else.”

“I think it's going to get very dark before it gets better,” he added. “I think what we might see this season is those White Walkers and that Army of the Dead really come into force. So that's going to be exciting to see. I don't know what it means. I think with the whole ‘winter is finally here’ business, it means everyone is going to have a really bad time.”

Yeah. That sounds about right.

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