Logic Humps A Plane, Dances With Super Mario In New Video

From his <i>Bobby Tarantino</i> mixtape

Logic isn't actually the star of his new video. That distinction goes to Super Mario.

That's apt, since the video is for the Bobby Tarantino track "Super Mario World," where Logic raps over a beat inspired by the Super Mario Bros. video game theme song. For the visuals, directed by Justin Fleischer (no relation), he and Mario play basketball, kick it on a ship, and dance like no one's watching.

Logic also humps a plane. Because why not?

Logic and Super Mario have actually been kicking it for some time now. He brought out the video game legend during his recent The Endless Summer Tour stop in New York City.

Super Mario looks like a guy who likes to have fun. Seems like a good friend to keep around.

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