'Game Of Thrones' Actor Explains Why His Death Is 'Karma' For Cersei

Dean-Charles Chapman opens up about his character's demise

Welp, Maggy the Frog's prophecy was finally fulfilled in the Game of Thrones Season 6 finale, "The Winds of Winter." Cersei Lannister lost dear Tommen Baratheon, King of the Andals and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms — and her last living child.

"I suppose it’s a message of karma isn’t it?" Dean-Charles Chapman, who played Tommen, told The Huffington Post. "Karma comes down fast. Jaime [Lannister] intentionally tried to kill Bran, really. And [as] payback, [Cersei] got her son intentionally taking his own life."

To recap, back in the pilot episode, silly little Bran Stark decided to ignore his mother's rules against climbing. He scaled a tower, where he witnessed the Lannister twins having a private (*wink*) moment. To keep their relationship a secret, Jaime shoved Bran out the window, leading to lifelong paralysis.



While Bran survived his fall, Tommen — devastated by his mother's destruction of the Great Sept of Baelor — decided to step off the Red Keep's windowsill and plummet thousands of feet below.

"It’s so difficult to process what he’s seeing, and it’s almost like a dream," Chapman explained. "Instead of him streaming tears from his eyes [or] running away to confront his mom, he’s just there, completely broken and by himself. Lost in his own thoughts [and that] leads to his death."

It's an unforgettable scene that directly parallels the visuals when a Lannister pushed Bran. Karma indeed.



"I wanted Tommen to go out in a good way," Chapman said. "In a way, it’s an awful thing what he did. But instead of getting his skull crushed or, you know, dying in a sword fight, I think it was a great way visually."

Tommen's suicide left Cersei on the Iron Throne, a bittersweet title since she essentially killed her son. Chapman speculated that she may become the "woman version of Joffrey" since "she hasn't got any children to keep her down to earth."

"She’s an evil woman. She is," he continued, "but she had no choice. She had to do something about it. I would do the same thing if it was those times again and I was in the same situation. In a way, I blame her, and in a way, I don’t."

Let's hope Jaime is as forgiving as Chapman is — or else Cersei may meet her end at the hands of her very own brother and lover.

Can’t get enough of Game of Thrones? Listen to this week’s Game of Crones podcast, featuring MTV News pop culture writers Rachel Handler, Crystal Bell, Leah Beckmann, Teo Bugbee, and Inkoo Kang.

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