Watch President Obama Sing Along To Rihanna's 'Work' — Yes, Really

POTUS slow-jammed on 'The Tonight Show'

Jimmy Fallon hosted an extra special guest on The Tonight Show Thursday, June 9: President Barack Obama. No big deal or anything.

POTUS took the stage to "Slow Jam the News" -- an ode to all he's accomplished during his eight years in office -- alongside Fallon and The Roots. He sing-talked about the economy, climate change, healthcare, marriage equality, and lowering the unemployment rate. In other words, putting Americans back to "work work work work work."

"When Republicans gave him lemons, he made so much lemonade, Beyoncé started calling him Baracky with the good hair," Fallon joked.

To make things even more unreal, the duo closed out the song with the burn to end all burns: "Have you been watching all the electric coverage this week about Donald Trump?" Fallon asked. Obama fired back, "No, but I have been watching my new favorite show — orange is not the new black." DAMN. 🔥

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