Watch Paris Hilton Sort Through All Her Clothes From The Early 2000s

I am in awe

With the recent revival of early 2000s fashion, the world would be remiss not to honor one of its pioneers. Fortunately for us, Vogue gets that, so they headed over to Paris Hilton's closet to have her discuss some of her early iconic fashion.

Paris attempts (but fails) to count all the very low-waisted denim in her closet, eventually calling it quits around 104. She also reveals that while she was on The Simple Life with Nicole Richie, they didn't have a stylist. So all of those denim skirts and overalls were all them. Of course, Paris still owns a majority of the clothes she wore back in the day, including the miniest skirt you'll ever see, which she actually had tailored to be even shorter.

If anyone is ready for this early aughts renaissance, it's Paris.

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