Kylie Jenner Responds To Unhappy Lip Gloss Customers

She took time out of Coachella to respond, OK?

Over the weekend, Kylie Jenner and her new wigs may have been at Coachella, but that didn't stop Kylie from responding to unhappy Lip Kit customers. No one said being a makeup mogul was easy, you guys.

On Friday, makeup artist Jeffree Star shared his disappointment in the lip gloss wands, sharing a photo of two very frayed brushes.

Turns out, Jeffree wasn't the only one experiencing problems with the brand new products — others also found the wands less than acceptable, and took to Twitter to share their annoyance.

Yesterday, Kylie responded to her unhappy customers, thanking them for their responses and letting them know she's taking their feedback to heart — she'll be changing the lip gloss wands immediately.

She then shared some advice that applies to a lot more than just lip glosses.

With the power of Kris Jenner behind her, Kylie promised she'll be replacing the wands for everyone who received the original batch.

Finally, because everyone loves a happy ending, Jeffree and Kylie bonded over their passion for makeup.


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