A Little Girl Fell In Love With An Owl Statue, And It's Utterly Adorable

The love between a little girl and a plastic, hand-painted, rotating-head horned owl decoy cannot be denied

When other kids aren't around, some tykes make imaginary friends, some whisper their secrets to their dolls, and some find a more unorthodox approach to friendship. It's easy to place the following toddler in the third category.

Sylvie is a 1-and-a-half-year-old who loves her hometown of Boston, naps, and her 100 percent plastic, hand-painted, rotating-head horned owl decoy. Originally planned as a gift for her father to place on his boat, Sylvie took to the owl, and since then, she takes Whootie (that's its name) everywhere.

Pat Tobin / Twitter


"Sylvie just immediately became really entranced by it," Sylvie's mother, Rebecca, told BuzzFeed. "We have a bedtime book about owls that she loves, and we read it every night. We also have a lullaby video of an owl singing, 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star' that she loves and pretty much watches every night. So I think she associated this owl with those owls."

Obviously, the love between a girl and her horned owl decoy has hit a nerve, considering a single tweet by her uncle Pat Tobin showing photos of Sylvie and Whootie has more than 23,000 favorites and 11,000 retweets.

See Sylvie and Whootie hanging out below.

If you think this is as adorable as we do, there are more images of the love that is Sylvie and Whootie on BuzzFeed.

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