How Do Superheroes Pee? Zoe Saldana Says 'Guardians of the Galaxy' Has Answers

Via MTV News — Amid all of the discussion about how to describe "Guardians of the Galaxy," the second of Marvel's 2014 efforts, different genres get tossed around. Is it sci-fi? Is it fantasy? Is it even a superhero movie? But leave it to one of the film's stars, Zoe Saldana, to make things easy for everyone.

In her recent interview with MTV News, Saldana called "Guardians of the Galaxy" "a new way to view superheroes."

The James Gunn-directed flick, which follows a band of outlaws, finished filming not long ago, and the unexpected nature of the heroes has Saldana pumped.

"I love, sometimes, the consistency of what the classics have left behind, but I need innovation. You can only have so much of 'I'll save you,' " she said. "After a while, it's like, 'Oh god. Does he go to the bathroom? Is he hungry? Does he cry? Does he feel?' Not only do we cover that, but we're making heroes out of thieves, and they're Robin Hoods. These characters are absolutely amazing, and they have a full-blown redemption."

Check out the clip above, and read more at MTV News.

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