Spike Lee Answers Kickstarter Critics

Ever since Spike Lee announced last week that he was heading to Kickstarter to fund his next movie, people have once again been weighing in on whether or not established Hollywood veterans should be using crowdsourcing to fun their projects.

Well, now Lee himself has decided to answer those critics head on in a new interview with Film Courage. And his answer is: Of course they should.

"Mr. Thomas caught flak. Zach caught flak," Lee said, referring to "Veronica Mars" director Rob Thomas and Zach Braff, who previously used Kickstarter to fund their projects. "So this is not a surprise."

"I'm bringing people to Kickstarter who've never even heard of Kickstarter. I'm talking a lot of people of color who've never heard of Kickstarter, who've never made a pledge on Kickstarter," he added. He went on to say that far from taking money away from other creators, he's bringing in new people who, once they have pledged to his film, may then check out other projects that need funding as well.

We have a feeling this debate isn't going away any time soon, but it's certainly interesting to hear how the artists themselves feel about it.

Spike Lee's Kickstarter campaign currently has received pledges of $311k out of $1.25 million.

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