Learn How to Say "'Star Trek Into Darkness' Is Phat" in Klingon

If you've been wondering for a while how to say "'Star Trek Into Darkness' rules!" in Klingon, well, have we got a surprise for you*, because beginning today,'s online translator now boasts the ability to turn your every thought into pure Klingon poetry.

A reason to actually use Bing? Now that's real science fiction!

Of course, cynics without any poetry in their soul might wonder just what use being able to translate your next tweet into Klingon might have. But according to the Los Angeles Times, Bing director of communications Craig Beilinson has an answer for that: Because speaking Klingon is cool.

"We have people who understand the deep science of linguistics and we also have people who are passionate about the "Star Trek" franchise," Beilinson said. "This was a labor of love from a lot of different avenues."

Naturally, it was also a labor of money, as Microsoft has formed a partnership with "Star Trek's" parent company Paramount. So that likely had something (or everything) to do with this development as well. "Recognizing Klingon language on the Bing translator, along with other elements of this partnership, truly underscores the pop culture relevance of the film," Paramount marketing exec LeeAnne Stables said.

All we can say is, "Hov tretlh vaj DartlhneSS" che'!

*We wouldn't leave you hanging, bro.

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