Let the Credits Roll On 'Wreck-It Ralph'

For all its visual glory, "Wreck-It Ralph" is, at its heart, a movie about friendship and devotion. So it makes sense that when the credits roll for the sweet tale of the bond between arcade game characters in their off-time, electropop musician Owl City was tapped to sing you out of the theater.

And now, the credit sequence, set to Owl City's "When Can I See You Again," has hit the web, tapping into the 8-bit games of yesterday (apparently, the movie was first developed at Disney in the late 80's, which is ostensibly why the film pays homage to the era's most memorable players, from Q*Bert to Sonic the Hedgehog to the ragtag crew in "Mortal Kombat").

So, if anything, let these credits give you reason to break out the ol' Nintendo, and to get your cartridge-blowing skills in order.

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