Zack Snyder Denies He's Doing Anything 'Star Wars'

UPDATE: Zach Snyder's reps have officially denied the "Man of Steel" director's involvement with anything "Star Wars"-related, according to an exclusive statement made to The Hollywood Reporter.

"While he is super flattered because he is a huge fan, Zack is not involved in any way with the new 'Star Wars,'" the rep confirmed. "He is currently in post on his two films, 'Man of Steel' and '300: Battle of Artemisia.'"

This might be a false denial, mind you. But either way, this is all getting a little tiresome. Is it too much to ask for something tangible regarding Disney's plans for "Star Wars"?

Scruffy-lookin' nerf herders, all of 'em!

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All we can say about Zack Snyder is this: Liar, liar, pants on fire.

You may recall that back in November, Snyder told the world that he had no interest in directing any of the new "Star Wars" sequels being put together by Disney. Well, today, Vulture is reporting that Snyder was just very carefully bullsh*tting the world, because while he's technically not working on the new trilogy, he is actually doing a new "Star Wars" film for Disney.

Note to Zack: Being dishonest is the first step towards the dark side.

So if Snyder isn't working on the new trilogy, just what is this new "Star Wars" film he's working on? Well, apparently it's going to take place at about the same time as "Episode VII" but will be a stand alone story that is a complete ripoff of loosely based on Akira Kurosawa's classic "Seven Samurai."

That's not exactly a giant stretch, of course. Not only has "Seven Samurai's" story of a group of warriors who are hired to protect a village from marauders previously been adapted for American audiences (it was turned into the just-as-classic western "The Magnificent Seven," as well as the Pixar hit "A Bug's Life"), but George Lucas has a long history of borrowing from Kurosawa, as "Star Wars" itself was heavily influenced by the Japanese master's 1958 hit "The Hidden Fortress."

All in all, it seems like a perfect fit for "Star Wars" fan Snyder. And hopefully this time, he'll be a little more up front about it all.

Originally published on Monday, Jan. 14, 2013 at 3:05 p.m. ET.

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