August With Anna Kendrick, Sadly Not Robert Pattinson

As summer comes to a close, I am forced to come to terms with the fact that I've had more misses than hits in August. In the fan girl world, you win some, you lose some.

Early in the month, I focused my efforts on the release of "ParaNorman" in hopes of a run-in with one of my favorite actresses, Anna Kendrick. I got the chance to meet Anna for the fifth time at her appearance on "Good Day New York" during her short stay in New York. As always, she was a doll.

The misses came back to back in the form of hot leading men. It started with Robert Pattinson, who was in New York for an entire week on a whirlwind press tour for "Cosmopolis." I put in two days of work trying to meet him, but to no avail. Next up was Jake Gyllenhaal, who is currently doing previews of his American stage debut, "If There Is I Haven't Found It Yet" off Broadway. Jake was a guest on "The Late Show With David Letterman" but, again, it was a bust.

Anna Kendrick

I learned about Kendrick's appearance on "Good Day New York" on Twitter around midnight the night before. With no real confirmation, I set my alarm for just a few hours later so I could get up in time to attempt meeting Anna. When I woke up around 5 a.m., Fox had added the appearance to their website, so I felt confident missing some extra sleep was worth it and headed into the city with my fingers crossed.

Anna showed up just before 9 a.m. with two friends and her publicist. When I asked for a picture, she said, "Of course! I am sorry that my shirt is wrinkled though. I plan on fixing that when I go inside."

Also check out: Anna Kendrick Is the Unsung Twi-Hard Hero

I told her she was crazy, her shirt didn't look wrinkled at all, and she thanked me. After taking a picture, she autographed her Zooey Magazine cover for me which I told her I'd been holding onto for a year hoping to have her sign, and then we chatted about her upcoming films, "Pitch Perfect" and "End of Watch." Now, this is where I am super spoiled because... I've already seen both films. I got to gush to her how epic the performances in "Pitch Perfect" were before telling her that "End of Watch" was exactly as intense as she had described in a recent interview.

Anna also shared about her "End of Watch" viewing experience: "The woman sitting next to me was grabbing onto me and freaking out every time something crazy happened. It was great!"

Robert Pattinson

When it was announced that R.Pattz's first post-scandal and promotional appearance for "Cosmopolis" would be on Jon Stewart's "The Daily Show,"I knew I would spend that day outside the studio hoping for a glimpse. I did just that, spending a total of five and a half hours lined up near the back entrance waiting for Rob to arrive. And, when he did… he took the garage. I was sunburnt and sad but knew that circumstances were a little unusual, to say the least, so I didn’t hold it against him. Instead, I took a stroll over to the Museum of Modern Art where the "Cosmopolis" premiere was being held but it had been a madhouse there for days in advance so I didn't bother to hang around.

Also check out: Robert Pattinson's Official Score Card

My next attempt at trying to meet him came Wednesday morning with the much-publicized appearance on "Good Morning America." I don't think I've ever seen that many fans there!

When Rob arrived at the side entrance, he headed straight inside just a few minutes before going live on air. I watched his interview from just a few feet behind him at the studio window in Times Square. When he was done and headed backstage, I made my way back to the side entrance. To the delight of a handful of fans who had camped out and were at the front of the barricade, Rob stopped on his way out to sign a few autographs before jumping in his car and jetting off. And that was the last I saw of him.

Jake Gyllenhaal

Gyllenhaal was a scheduled guest on "The Late Show" and I thought I would use the opportunity to gush about "End of Watch" to him like I had with Anna Kendrick earlier in the month. Unfortunately, Jake showed up a few minutes before the taping was scheduled to start, waved at the fans behind the barricade and headed inside the studio. About an hour later, he did the exact same thing backwards: He left the studio, waved at fans and jumped in his SUV. It was a pretty unfortunate turn of events but I'm hoping he'll be back around at the end of September when "End of Watch" is released and I can get my gushing in then.

Like many of you, Professional Fan Girl Lauren Cox has always had a fascination with movie stars. She's turned her hobby – hitting premieres and other events in New York City to meet them – into a blog, and now a NextMovie column. Keep up with her adventures meeting celebs by following her on Twitter.

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