Bane Origin Scenes Deleted From 'The Dark Knight Rises'?

Though Christopher Nolan's Batman trilogy may be over, if you thought you'd seen it all you're gravely mistaken.

Apparently there are still tasty morsels of Bat mythology to be gleaned on some future DVD release, as GQ learned when they interviewed franchise costume designer Lindy Hemming, who had not seen the film yet and didn't realize she revealed a key scene deleted from the final print of "The Dark Knight Rises."

[SPOILERS below for the three of you who haven't seen it yet.]

It all relates to the origin of wacky voiced villain Bane, who was your average prison inmate guy until he heroically rescued Talia al Ghul and got the crap beaten out of him, necessitating the breathing apparatus. Hemming revealed a scene that "showed you why he had the mask and where it came from."

"So one of the fundamental things about his costume is that he has this scar from the back injury," confirmed Hemming. "Even if he hasn't got the bulletproof vest on, he still has to wear the waist belt and the braces. In that scene in the prison, where he's learning to fight the same way Batman learned to fight, he's wearing an early version of his waist belt. It's showing support, but it's not the finished one he eventually wears. He's also wearing an early version of his gas mask, all glued together."

She also describes a scene where Bane is chained up and being attacked while wearing the mask. In the finished film we only see the briefest moment of Tom Hardy sans mask fighting off prisoners so Talia (played by child actress Joey King in flashbacks) can escape.

As far as the comic book origin of Bane goes, they transposed some of Bane's backstory -born in prison, forced to serve father's time- to Talia, perhaps as an intentional misdirect so the final reveal of Talia's identity wouldn't be spoiled, though anyone with two neurons to rub together could figure it out. *COUGH* Édith Piaf! *COUGH*

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