Jai Courtney Will 'Die Hard' With a Vengeance

Hey guys, remember "Die Hard?" It was awesome in the '80s, cool in the '90s and not too bad in the '00s either. Well, don't look now, but it's back to conquer another decade — and it's going to do it with a vengeance.

No, Fox isn't remaking the 1995 threequel "Die Hard with a Vengeance" — but according to SlashFilm, they just tapped "Spartacus: Vengeance" star Jai Courtney to co-star opposite Bruce Willis as John McClane's son in the upcoming fifth "Die Hard" film, "A Good Day to Die Hard." Yippie-ki-yay?

For those of you who lost track of just what the heck was going on in John McClane's world, we last saw the bald badass in 2007's "Live Free or Die Hard," where he was trying to save his daughter (and, oh yeah, the free world) from a nutjob played by Timothy Olyphant.

That daughter was played by Mary Elizabeth Winstead, who since has gone on to become uber, thanks to films like "Scott Pilgrim vs. the World." So will Courtney's star also rise thanks to his new role as McClane's similarly put-upon (and previously unknown) son, who apparently needs to be rescued from a Russian jail?

It's hard to say just yet, though no doubt Fox is hoping fans will love Courtney enough for him to take over the franchise from the aging Willis.

Either way, one thing is for sure. This franchise really is dying hard.

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