WARNING: 'V/H/S' May Cause Fainting Spells

Horror films really can be hazardous to your health.

An audience member attending a midnight screening of "V/H/S" at the Sundance Film Festival was treated by EMTs after he fainted during a particularly gruesome scene, according to Deadline.

"V/H/S"  is a horror anthology film about a group of criminals hired by an unknown third party to burglarize a desolate house to acquire a rare VHS tape and end up discovering a seemingly endless number of terrifying videos.

The patron, who fainted during the film's first particularly gruesome scene, was embarrassed by the incident and only left the screening after his girlfriend insisted. However, he did return for the post-screening Q&A, featuring filmmakers Adam Wingard, David Bruckner, Ti West, Glenn McQuaid, Joe Swanberg and Radio Silence.

That's not the only victim that "V/H/S" claimed in Park City -- another audience member was apparently treated for nausea just 20 minutes later.

Wow, what's up with this movie? Granted, Sundance-goers aren't particularly known for their strong stomachs (it's not exactly a "genre festival," after all), but this certainly has us intrigued. Will this now become a new "dare" horror movie? Do you dare find out if you can watch "V/H/S" without fainting?

One thing's for sure -- this almost guarantees the film a very sweet distribution deal.

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