Cool Clicks: Peter Jackson Reveals New 'Hobbit' Dwarves

We scour the interwebs for the coolest movie news and more so you don't have to...

Dori and Nori and Ori, oh my! Peter Jackson continues to introduce the dwarves from his upcoming movie "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey", and the latest dwarves to be reavealed are Kíli and Fíli. Head over to Movieline to see a photo and learn what makes this dwarf duo noteable.

They say you can't judge someone until you've walked a mile in their shoes. Well, over the past decade, Ralph Fiennes has spent so much time in Voldemort's shoes he's walked well over a mile. So we suppose his opinion on the matter is well-founded. Fiennes told Newsweek exactly what it was like to play perhaps the most despised villain of all time.

The sequel to "Sherlock Holmes" is set to hit theaters this December, and thanks to Hollywood Reporter, we get a first look at the new movie posters. The posters, of course, provide insight to what the movie will be about: furrowed brows, overcast skies, top hats, and mysterious characters lurking in the background.

Help is finally here -- and just in time, too. Complex put together the "10 Best Ways to Cope With 'Harry Potter' Withdrawal". We suggest bookmarking this page so it's available to look at whenever you're mourning the end of the series, and know that you're not going through withdrawal alone.

It seems like just short of forever ago that "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows -- Part 1" was being released. Finally, the long-awaited final installment to the series has arrived, and it's no surprise if all of the anticipation has made you go a little crazy, leaving a gaping hole in your memory. Moviefone feels your pain, and kindly created a fun review sheet of what you need to know about Dumbledore's Army.

Missing Reel explores the film genre known as "Blaxploitation" in this video on Koldcast. Watch how the genre initially develops from low-budget, independent films, to blockbuster action flicks, eventually graduating into big-budget Hollywood remakes of the originals.

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