Is 'The Dark Knight Rises' Actually an 'Inception' Sequel?

Dreams are funny things. One second you might be dreaming about lying on a beach in San Diego and the next second Abraham Lincoln lands next to you wearing a jetpack. Things just have a way of getting really jumbled up in dreams. Which might explain the latest movie poster from Hollywood dream king Christopher Nolan.

Because he seems to have gotten some "Inception" all up in his "Dark Knight Rises."

The first teaser poster for "The Dark Knight Rises" has just been released and the image is striking, awesome -- and totally looks like "Inception 2." Bruce Wayne vs. Don Cobb, anyone?

Of course, as cool as the new poster is, it's still a little disappointing that, you know, it doesn't tell us anything about the plot of "The Dark Knight Rises," which is apparently the biggest secret since the formula for Coke. But that hasn't stopped fans from already trying to puzzle out the symbolism of the image, which shows skyscrapers crumbling in a fashion that leaves a bat-shaped hole in the sky. A metaphor for the fragility of man's accomplishments?

Probably not.

Anyway, without further ado, here's a look at the poster for "The Dark Knight Rises," courtesy of the official website. And if Batman -- or Leonardo DiCaprio -- shows up in your dreams tonight, well, don't say we didn't warn you.

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