'Conan the Barbarian' Red Band Trailer Is Soaked with Blood

Anyone who thinks a modern reboot of "Conan the Barbarian" is going to be a watered-down, money-grubbing shell of its former self is in for a serious awakening. An awakening filled with the screams of a bulky warrior's sliced and diced victims, to be exact.

The official red band trailer for the remake popped up at IGN and gives a taste for the true mayhem in store. Like an Iron Maiden album cover come to life, director Marcus Nispel's ("The Texas Chainsaw Massacre" and "Friday the 13th" remakes) vision of the legendary character is chock full of fantastical landscapes, gritty battles and splatters of blood flying in every direction.

The movie looks cheesy as all hell, but when you watch it explode across the screen like a Jackson Pollock nightmare, it's hard to imagine it any other way.

The movie features "Stargate Atlantis" star Jason Momoa as the titular barbarian, who battles his way through countless soldiers to take on a pissed off witch named Marique (Rose McGowan) and seek revenge against Khalar Zym (Stephen Lang), a warlord who slaughtered his family. Helping him out is the always-badass Ron Perlman ("Sons of Anarchy") and beautiful love interest Rachel Nichols ("Star Trek," "G.I. Joe"). The plot may sound familiar, but one gets the sense from the red band trailer that it's all an excuse to paint with blood.

"Conan the Barbarian" -- not for the squeamish.

Warning: The trailer is NSFW for massive amounts of gore and teeny, weeny bit of nudity, but check it out if you can take it.

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