Cool Clicks: Movie Cheerleader Bonanza!

We scour the interwebs for the coolest movie news and more so you don't have to...

Give me an H! Give me an O! Give me a T! What does that spell? Complex counts down the sexiest cheerleaders in film.

Who doesn't love down and dirty game shows? Check out the Axe Dirtcathlon to watch contestants take part in a bunch of dirty challenges.

May the force be with you. Total Film picks out the 50 greatest characters from the massive "Star Wars" saga.

Au revoir! In honor of "Moulin Rouge's" tenth anniversary, MTV Movies talks to various celebs about this French musical movie classic.

Arrr matey, check out Entertainment Weekly to discover some "Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides" exclusive clip-treasure.

Make that martini shaken, not stirred, as Bombay Sapphire is the only gin that will satisfy a 00 agent. New York Magazine reports that the latest Bond film will have $45 million dollars worth of product placement.

James Dean would have definitely brought Han Solo's rebellious side to greater light. Buzzfeed reimagines classic "Star Wars" characters played by other cinema icons.

Time has an intriguing profile behind the "Bridesmaids" comedian Kristen Wiig.

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