The Time for Armie Hammer to Hit Big Is '2:22'

A great way to make an impression on Hollywood is to take a co-starring role in a prestige picture that has potential to win a few Oscars. Film gets exposure, you get exposure -- everyone wins!

An even better way to make an impression on Hollywood? Taking TWO co-starring roles in a prestige picture. That was Armie Hammer's strategy when he signed up for double duty as the Winklevoss twins in David Fincher's "The Social Network" -- and now the work is paying off in spades.

Hammer is racking up projects by the truck load -- he's currently shooting a part opposite Leonardo DiCaprio in Clint Eastwood's "J. Edgar," he recently locked the part of the Prince in Tarsem's "The Brothers Grimm: Snow White" and is eying "The Lone Ranger" -- and has now been set to star in the new psychological thriller, "2:22."

Under the eye of commercial and music video director Paul Currie, "2:22" is an original script by writers Todd Stein and Nathan Parker ("Moon") and stars Hammer as an air traffic controller who finds himself in the middle of an unexplainable set of events, Hollywood Wiretap reports. A blinding light occurring at 2:22 sends Hammer's character searching for answers, ones that lead him to a woman he may or may not be linked to, as well as a double murder from the past.

Double murder? This movie already has too many 2's for comfort.

Hammer is as chiseled and classic as they come, so a visceral thriller like "2:22" may be just the project he needs to show off his range. Once tapped for the role of Batman in the now-abandoned "Justice League" movie, Hollywood is obviously interested in the Hammer business.

Now it's just a matter of time before all these movies hit theaters and he's a bonafide star.

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