The 25 Best Movies of 2010

Twas a year in which sequels ("Toy Story 3," Iron Man 2"), "originals" ("Inception," "Despicable Me") and movies somewhere in between ("Alice in Wonderland") dominated the box office side-by-side.

But what movies ranked highest where it matters most (you know… in our hearts)?

From thrilling new installments in the behemoth "Twilight" and "Harry Potter" franchises to fascinating prestige films that mined gold from surprising sources like Facebook and ballet, here are our picks for the very best of the best of 2010.

25. 'The Twilight Saga: Eclipse'

–Breanne L. Heldman

24. 'Scott Pilgrim Vs. the World'

23. 'Machete'

Robert Rodriguez's gloriously over-the-top intro to "Mexploitation" (can this be an ongoing genre please?) didn't do so bueno at the box office, which is a shame: Audiences missed out on one of the year's most ridiculously fun movies. Granted, with a plot that paints an "illegal" as idol and gun-toting border patrol vigilantes and conservative politicians as diabolical d-bags, your stance on the immigration debate will obviously affect your feelings toward the film. But how can you not root for the rugged and scar-faced Danny Trejo? And remember, Machete don't text.

–Kevin Polowy

22. 'Catfish'

21. 'Get Him to the Greek'

20. 'Animal Kingdom'

19. 'Despicable Me'

18. 'Blue Valentine'

17. Kick-Ass

16. 'Winter's Bone'

15. 'Easy A'

14. 'Let Me In'

13. 'The Town'


12. 'How to Train Your Dragon'

11. 'The Fighter'


10. 'The Other Guys'

9. 'The Kids Are All Right'

8.  'True Grit'

7.  'The King’s Speech'

6. 'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 1'

5. '127 Hours'

4. 'Inception'

3. 'Toy Story 3'

2. 'Black Swan'

1. ‘The Social Network'

Follow NextMovie and its editors Kevin Polowy, Breanne L. Heldman and Brooke Tarnoff on Twitter.

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