Here’s How One Direction Fans Commemorated #1YearWithoutZayn

Memes and tears galore.

On March 25, 2015, every One Direction fan’s world was shattered when Zayn Malik announced his departure from the group. Now, one year removed from that most emotional event, the state of the 1D fanbase is fragile but optimistic.

See, the thing about 1D fans is that, at their core, these are people who like to have fun and be happy together. So even though they’re feeling sad today -- because Zayn left in the first place and because the fate of 1D still hangs in the balance (hiatuses aren’t forever, right? RIGHT?!) -- they also feel overwhelming amounts of acceptance and pride for Zayn’s new direction. In an all-too-coincidental move, the 23-year-old released his debut solo album, Mind of Mine, on the one-year anniversary of his departure from the group, and it’s made March 25 an even more emotional day in the life of a 1D fan. Here's how they commemorated #1YearWithoutZayn:

First thing's first: yes, there has been sadness. There were A LOT of tears during the past year, after all.

For many fans, March 25 marked the first time they felt real heartbreak.

Do you remember what you were doing when you found out the news? This fan does.

When your own words fail, you can use always use 1D's lyrics to describe you're feeling, like this fan.

Yes, there are plenty of candle-lit makeshift memorials being built today.

And other fans are torturing themselves by blasting "Spaces," which frankly just seems masochistic.

It must be noted that this is also the one-year anniversary of the death of the most heavenly high note in all of humankind.

You don't realize the full gravity of the situation until you see THIS in a store. Whoa.

Overall, though, fans are surprisingly zen about the whole thing.

And they're super proud of how much Zayn's achieved in a year.

They really just want the guys to be happy -- all five of the guys.

Because, on the bright side, we've gotten to see the other members of 1D step up and tackle Zayn's solos, which has given us amazing moments like this.

We’ve also gotten to see the "real Zayn Malik" now.

And now we have a whole new batch of Zayn music to listen to!

So a lot of fans are just rightfully focused on scooping up Mind of Mine.

Many fans also took the opportunity to thank Harry, Liam, Louis, and Niall for not breaking up once Zayn left.

Because this isn't just the one-year anniversary of someone leaving; it's also the one-year anniversary of four guys deciding to stay.


And because no Twitter roundup is complete without a brand trying to butt in on the action, here's White Castle's hot take on the whole thing.

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