A Chocolate Bunny Surviving 1,221° Of Melted Metal Is An Easter Miracle

But the question is ... why?

Mix-two-things-together videos have aN abundant life on YouTube. There's channel after channel featuring simple experiments that can rack up millions upon millions of views for videos as seemingly pointless as pouring molten copper on a hamburger and seeing what happens.

Hey, it's weird. I get it.

At first glance, the reaction is probably, "Why?" Then after you watch a clip and take it all in your conclusion is, "Still ... why?"

If you're willing to look beyond the surface of things and ask the big questions, let me take you on a journey of discovery -- this time featuring molten aluminum and a chocolate Easter bunny.



YouTube channel Let's Melt This devotes their time to ... being a pretty self-explanatory channel, TBH. Their focus on melting things shows you how stuff reacts to one another when there's heat involved -- like how melted copper and a Big Mac can show you a phenomenon known as the Leidenfrost Effect.

When two things are extremely different temperatures, like a 1,780 degree bowl of melty danger and a cold chocolate bar, the colder object's surface melts so fast it turns into vapor, forming a pocket of floaty goodness shielding the hot aluminum away from the little bunny for a little while.

This scientific principle could be used to create hovercrafts -- real ones that actually hover -- amongst other inventions that could benefit from a little levitation.

These experiments bombarding the Internet aren't actually so pointless after all. Especially if you like to know how the world works.

Let science into your heart and watch the full experiment below.

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