'The Dark Knight Rises' Above 'Ice Age,' 'Spider-Man'

Studios didn't release official box office numbers for the past weekend until today out of respect for the victims of the Aurora, Colo., shooting. While some outlets chose to go with industry sources, the official box office results came out just now with a few surprises in store.

"The Dark Knight Rises" came in with $160.9M over the weekend, although box office watchers were initially estimating its takings would be anywhere between $175M to $185M, later dropping them to $165M. The last "Harry Potter" movie and "The Avengers" both bested "TDKR" in terms of opening weekend earnings, although they both had the advantage of being in 3-D. However, these sorts of reports truly pale in comparison to the shooting, a tragedy that has kickstarted a conversation about gun control, preventative mental illness treatment and so much more.

"Ice Age: Continental Drift" came in at number two, with the majority of its earnings from overseas audiences. So far it's grossed $88.8M domestically, with more than $440M internationally. It clocked in at the top of the box office last weekend. "TDKR" basically shoved everything that was in the top five last weekend down a notch. "The Amazing Spider-Man" held strong with $10.9M this weekend, down from $34.6M last weekend, while "Ted" and "Brave" cling to the fourth and fifth spots, respectively.

Check out the full numbers below, as well as our reviews.

1. "The Dark Knight Rises" -- $160.9M  (our review)

2. "Ice Age: Continental Drift" -- $20.4M (our review)

3. "The Amazing Spider-Man" -- $10.9M  (our review)

4. "Ted" -- $10M (our review)

5. "Brave" -- $6M (our review)

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