Lady Gaga's Outfits, Taylor Swift's Songs, and Other Things Hollywood Should Adapt

Within the last couple of years, we've seen hit movies based on toy robots (the Transformers franchise) and dating advice books (He's Just Not That Into You). These films are often used as examples to back up the tired claim that Hollywood just doesn't have any new ideas. I prefer to use these examples to prove that inspiration is everywhere. But just in case any writers block stricken screenwriters are out there, here are a few places I think could be mined for fresh material:

Taylor Swift Songs: Taylor's sweet, heartfelt little ditties have a lot more genuine romance in them than most romantic comedies these days. Maybe the Grammy-winning singer/songwriter could add screenwriter to her impressive resume?

Golden Globes Acceptance Speeches: It's a proven fact that some actors do their best work at an awards show podium. They show off their comic timing, their capacity for empathy, and their ability to cry on cue. This is the stuff that inspirational dramas are made of. Or perhaps Charlie Kaufman could write this one. He's into that whole meta thing.

Clothing Cataloges:The point of these catalogs is not to sell you clothing, but the sense of identity the clothes can give you. Think of all the characters you could find in these glossies- the artsy Anthropolgie chicks, the ruggedly handsome L.L. Bean guys, the Victoria's Secret model with the heart of gold. The possibilites are endless.

Nutritional Information Labels: One of the greatest mysteries we face in our every day lives is the challenge to figure out what exactly is in our favorite foods. This could make an excellent detective noir- or a Michael Moore documentary.

Lady Gaga costumes: Given her tendency to look like an alien, this would obviously be a sci-fi film. And I think I'd rather see James Cameron make this film next than a sequel to Avatar.

Then again, I never would have thought to adapt He's Just Not That Into You, so I could be way off.

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