Big Brother 11: It's Almost Over, But There's More To Come

Tonight's the last night of the Big Brother 11 feeds, and I have mixed emotions. I'll miss staying up all night and getting up to go to work in the mornings, but these final three I won't miss. I will not miss hearing the three of them bash Michele. I will not miss Natalie threatening Kevin, nor her ignorant views on homosexuality. I will not miss Jordan playing sweetheart out one side of her mouth, and out the other the constant trashing of Russell and Michele. I will not miss Kevin talking to the camera asking for America's vote and talking about how fabulous he is.

The only excitement in the feeds the past couple of days has been the banner today and the guessing on whether they will be healthy by Tuesday. I swear ... some of the things they have been cooking and eating are enough to make anyone sick. Some of us have been wondering how Big Brother would deal with it if all three of them had diarrhea during the live show. They've been eating undercooked food, they've cooked bad fish and eaten it, and they've made the most disgusting concoctions. Ugh ...

The decision to carry all three to the finals did not make things any more exciting to me. In fact, it's made it worse. All three have been lying to each other, and then stressing that they've been lied to. Nastiness and paranoia have run rampant. Everytime it's only two of them together, you can pretty much guarantee they're trashing the third and talking about making the final 2. Hey Big Brother, can we have a do-over?

One thing is for sure. I have no idea who will be the final two. All I know is that Kevin and Jordan will battle for part 3 of the final Head of Household competition, and I don't think either will throw it. After that, I'm in the dark. I don't know what either of them are thinking. I think Jordan will take Natalie, but I'm not sure. And I think that Kevin will take Jordan, but I'm really not sure about that either. And the final vote? I think that Jordan could beat them both, especially if it's close.

Tomorrow Big Brother 11 will be officially over, but the season won't be over on Superpass. In addition to Flashback, Real has some fun things planned. Tomorrow and Wednesday, don't miss Express Lunch. Chelsia is in Los Angeles for the Finale, but Missy will be in the studio. Tuesday, she'll take questions from the chat room and Wednesday, she and Chelsia will go back to the phone in questions.

Also on Wednesday, keep checking for the clips of the interviews that Chelsia will be doing from the Big Brother backyard on Finale night. She's been taking questions via Facebook and Twitter and will ask the questions that we want to ask. And at 4pm PT, there will be the Big Brother hour.

Then Chelsia will be going to Las Vegas for the big Vegas Reality Bash and Superpass will have lots of coverage.

· Live streaming from Meet and Greet at M Resort in Las Vegas , Friday from 4 to 8

· Live streaming from the pool party at M Resort, Saturday 9pm to Sunday 1 am

· Interviews from the M Party starting Wed, 9/23

And next Thursday, 9/24, SuperPass will be hosting a Live Chat from Columbia City Theater in Seattle at 6pm PT. There will be a live studio audience and two mystery guests. If you're in the Seattle area and want to be in the audience, send an email to

So remember, just because the houseguests will be leaving the Big Brother 11 house, that doesn't mean that the SuperPass party is over. Stay tuned for more live chats and other fun activities. I'm looking forward to hearing from the evicted houseguests, how about you guys?

For more on Big Brother 11 - SirLinksalot: Big Brother 11

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