Big Brother 11: The Show(mance) must go on ...

Hey y'all. As it stands now, the showmance of Big Brother 11, Jordan and Jeff, will come to an end tonight. However, if you frequent a few Big Brother message boards or Twitter, you'll find a core group that insists that Big Brother, CBS and/or Allison Grodner will find a way to keep our love birds together. They insist that the show just can't go on without them.

In the CBS Big Brother Forum poll, 62% of those responding say that they won't watch Big Brother 11 again if Jeff gets evicted tonight. I got that tweet a couple of times today and I actually did go look for myself. What the tweets don't include, though, is the fact that only 284 people voted.

Many of them are insisting that the stupid key from Pandora's Box will miraculously save Jeff tonight. Before Tuesday's show, the key was to a new Power of Veto that would save him. I think the key was solely to free Kevin, but I seem to be in the minority. Part of this is the fault of the producers. That competition was poorly executed. It didn't help that they showed it on the show out of order. The competition actually occurred on Friday afternoon prior to the nominations. I imagine that the 'twist' was the possibility that the results would cause the Head of Household (Kevin) to change his nominations. As it was, there was no twist. The houseguests had a quasi-luxury competition for cash. Kevin pretty much missed out because his ally was greedy.

But anyway, back to our showmance. I admit that they were kind of cute in the house. Neither of them were the sharpest crayon in the box and that's what made many of their interactions so amusing. They inadvertently gave us many of the best quotes of the season. As game players, though, not so much. They spent the first three weeks being martyrs, and if it weren't for the clique twist, Jeff may have been the first one gone. Once power was handed to Jeff, though, he didn't wear it well. Yes, getting Jessie out with the Coup D'etat was a good strategic move, but then the problems started.

The bad air in the Head of Household room got to them, too. Why else would you backdoor an ally before the other team was totally defeated? Not a good game winning strategy ... just ask BB6 Howie. And the irrational hatred the two of them had for their allies was baffling. Michele had done nothing but support those two and all they can do is bash her. Mr. Wonderful even called her a smelly c-word, which is a total turn off for me.

Their belief in their new best friend Natalie will turn out to be their downfall. Instead of a Final 4, one of them will be going out at 5. They trusted their game enemies to keep their word, and totally bashed and blew off their game team members. They've continued to trash Michele this week when all she's tried to do was save Jeff. Jeff is the target and he's been trying to guilt Kevin for not keeping his word. Hmm, let me see. Kevin should feel guilty for fooling an antagonist, but Jeff has no guilt for lying to his ally, Russell. Why is it okay for Jeff to break his word on his family, but not okay for Kevin to merely break his word? That's the game, boy-o.

That sense of entitlement and superiority has kept me from jumping aboard the Jeff/Jordan luv train. They've been cute to watch on the feeds, when they haven't been playing bash and trash, but that's been about it. Take a look at the Flashback from last night around 2am and you'll be laughing as hard as I was. And if you miss them too much, take a look at the Flashback Hotspots thread and rewatch your favorite Jeff/Jordan moments, and share them below. Because it looks as if it's over, unless we have another 'twist' this evening. I tend to doubt it, but with Big Brother 11, we've been told to 'expect the unexpected'.

For more on Big Brother 11 - SirLinksalot: Big Brother 11

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