Big Brother 11: Fast Forward Even Faster

Well, y'all, looks like Big Brother 11 will get it's Double Elimination this week after all ... just not in the way they'd originally planned. Julie Chen announced on Thursday that next Thursday would be a week of Big Brother in an hour. They would have had live eviction, new Head of Household comp, immediate nominations, Power of Veto competition and meeting and the second live eviction all in one hour. That's not the way it will happen now.

After the chaos of last night/ this morning and Chima's subsequent removal from the house, the houseguests were informed that Michele's reign as HoH was over. They were told to prepare for a new Head of Household competition and Michele can't compete. Many are calling this a Do Over, I'm calling it a Faster Fast Forward. One of Michele's nominees, and actually her target, was evicted so it wasn't a total bust for her. And she got her letter from her husband. I hope she gets to keep her treats in her basket.

So that was our first eviction for the week. Today starts part two. Who will win this next Head of Household? Will the mini-golf setup they received last night have any bearing on it? If so, that may be a plus for Team Jeff. He and Russell did really well in practice last night. Will it be a competition of knowing the dates of what happened in the house? If so, that may be to Team Natalie's advantage. Last night before the feeds cut off, they were going over all the dates on the chess board using playdoh as markers.

I'm just hoping that Team Natalie's bad behavior doesn't benefit them. Lydia is already trying to do damage control. She told Michele today that she had nothing to do with any of the movement of clothes, that it was all Chima. Kevin got his bid in last night for his innocence. Lydia didn't quite throw Natalie under the bus, but close. She's joining with Kevin in trying to play both sides now. Don't get me wrong, it's a very smart move.

So who will win this next HoH? What will that do to the weekly schedule? I'll be updating this article as information becomes available. The feeds have been on fish for quite a while now, so I'm guessing that the HoH competition is in progress.

Update 4:40pm BBT - Feeds are back. Looks like Jordan won HoH. They think nominations are tomorrow.

For more on Big Brother 11 - SirLinksalot: Big Brother 11

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