Big Brother 11: Monday Night Fights

Hey y'all, last night was a doozy in the Big Brother 11 house and I hope you didn't miss it. Wasn't it HBO that used to host Monday Night Fights? Well, Showtime was the host of this episode. Russell vs. Chima, Russell vs. Michele/Chima, Kevin vs. Ronnie ... Big Brother's version of restraining orders issued ... and Natalie/Jessie off everyone's radar. If y'all have Big Brother After Dark recorded, you want to watch it. If you don't, then fire up the feeds, make use of that flashback option and start at about 10pm BBT.

Say what you will about Natalie, but that lil girl is playing this game. She and Jessie basically masterminded the entire drama and sat back and enjoyed it. They noticed Michele getting a little too close to Russell, so they lied to him to drive a wedge into their growing connection. Then Jessie fed into Russell's growing paranoia while pretending to be a 'friend'.

Meanwhile Chima and Lydia have been badmouthing Russell for the past couple of days, and he's heard it. Quite interesting, though, that he spurned the advances of both women since Thursday. I really think Chima thought that she would run this HoH like her little buddy Natalie ran Jessie's.

Anyway, round one of last nights heavyweight fight began when Russell was supposedly trying to straighten things out with Chima. Chima was tired of what she supposedly perceived to be Russell lying to and about everyone and insisted on bringing Michele into it, since she was one topic of conversation. Natalie did her work well in poisoning Chima against Russell, if she needed any help.

Poor Michele. She thought she'd made a friend in the house after their long conversation this past weekend, and then she gets totally thrown for a loop when Russell began screaming at her and accusing her of things that she didn't do or say (thanks again Natalie and Jessie). It sure seems like everyone is threatened by her, because she seems to be on most people's radar, especially after those two veto wins.

Russell and Chima were toe to toe. He was all up in her face and she was in his. They were screaming at the top of their lungs and I thought for a moment that he was going to throw her down the staircase that they were standing at the top of. At this point, I was pretty much cheering Chima on. The girl stood her ground and she was making some good points. Natalie, the good friend that she is, pulled Chima back out of that confrontation and 'helped' calm them both down. Uh huh ... Later, though, it started again and Chima, after consulting the Diary Room, threw water on Russell twice.

Now, see, I don't agree with that. If he'd retaliated, all hell would have broken loose and the cyberworld would be screaming abuse. Where are all the people that screamed when Dick threw pickle juice or whatever on Jen? Isn't it the same thing? I went off then, and I'm going off now. It infuriates me that the Diary Room said that they don't encourage it, but that it wasn't against the rules. I think it should be. It's a physical confrontation. I applaud his control. In the real world, I could see him grabbing her at the very least. Personally, I'd have snatched her up by that weave.

Whew, anyway, later Kevin and Ronnie went at it and Kevin ended up chest bumping Ronnie. And the guy that talks all big and bad in the Diary Room cried like the wuss he is.

Jordan and Jeff pretty much stayed out of it, but Jordan couldn't help running her mouth off to Chima in the Spa Room. Like Michele accused earlier, Jordan is 'leaky'. They tried to drag Jeff into it, but he wasn't playing along. I'm beginning to like him more and more.

Jessie, meanwhile, sat back and enjoyed the show. Once again, when confrontation takes place in the house, he disappears. His little pitbull, though, did plenty of stirring of the pot. Although her original plan fell through, she didn't sway any votes toward getting Ronnie to stay, long term, this might have worked for her. Russell is now public enemy number one and she's also spread quite a few lies about Michele to make others leery of her, too. While at the beginning of the week, the Nat/Jessie alliance was a target of many, she may have succeeded in buying her and Jessie a few more weeks in the house. Russell lost major cool points last night and probably blew his game. Time will tell.

Once again, a week that should have been chill, with a common target on the block, turned out to be chaos. They are stressing me out, and I'm not even there! I even clicked my heels three times last night, muttered 'there's no place like home', and turned off the feeds. And guess what, y'all, that was only Monday night! There are two more nights and three more days before they have another competition. Between those fights, nothing to do, and worry over the 'Power', these folk's nerves are shot. Big Brother ended up issuing their version of restraining orders against Chima, Russell, Kevin and Ronnie. They have to stay three feet away from each other. We'll see how long that lasts and if it does any good.

Now, for those of you that don't have the feeds YET, see what y'all are missing by just watching the very watered down version of the show? Click here and get your free trial . Come see what you're missing in the Big Brother 11 house. In the meantime, what do you think of last night's antics? Comment below, I'm curious as to what you're thinking.

For more on Big Brother 11 - SirLinksalot: Big Brother 11

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