Criss Angel's Just Using Britney Spears for Publicity

This can't be! Everyone who dates Britney Spears loves her for who she is inside. I mean, what's not to like? The ever-changing extensions? The regular weight gain? The history of promiscuity? The hick accent? The fact that everyone in the whole wide world has seen her vagina? How could anyone who hooks up with Britney have ulterior motives?

But rumor is that Britney didn't win Criss over with her darling personality.

"Angel ... was "ecstatic" when his manager, Jeff Kwatinetz, asked him to meet with Spears, who was interested in using illusion in her VMA performance this Sunday. The two "hooked up the night they met" and Angel has been "using her to get press ever since," we're told. A Vegas spy said, "He doesn't even really talk to her when they go out. This weekend at [club] LAX, they weren't seated at the same table, but when the paparazzi were around he jumped in all the pictures. . . . The paparazzi all have his number."

Doesn't Britney have anyone around her who's not being paid to be there?

I can't think of a single person.

The Evil Beet

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