The Actors I'd Cast in Watchmen

Last week Cargill expressed some worrisome thoughts concerning Zack Snyder's upcoming adaptation of Alan Moore's Watchmen. While I wish directors Darren Aronofsky or Paul Greengrass were still attached to the project, I still think Snyder is going to deliver the goods.

I was at Comic-Con two weeks ago and I can tell you that the Watchmen nerds (and boy were they out in full force) were pretty gung-ho and seemed excited that the 300 director, Zack Snyder, was taking on the Moby Dick of the comic book world. It's super tricky material, which is why people have gone nuts trying to adapt it for almost twenty years now.

One of the reasons Cargill and I are not on the same page when it comes to this film is the casting. I think Snyder is really nailing it here, going after some rather unconventional choices. It's obvious the guy is looking for character actors rather than stars. It isn't the cast I'd put together, but it's a strong one in its own right. I thought we'd take a look at how the cast is rounding out and what could have been.


Who is cast: Jackie Earle Haley

Who should be cast: William H. Macy

Description: Brooding, ugly (and on an unrelated note) right wing, principled vigilante with a mean streak

Rorschach is an intimidating vigilante and I'm not sure how the small-framed Haley is going to fare when he's breaking fingers. But I'm a believer in the concept, "It just might be crazy enough to work." On the other hand, I've seen the vertically challenged Macy play the heavy before and while he's not Jackie Earle ugly, he's close.


Who is cast: Matthew Goode

Who should be cast: Tom Cruise

Description: Highly intelligent ex-superhero turned corporate sell out. Clean-cut, supremely fit golden boy with his own product line.

I think Goode is a really strong actor (look at him in Match Point and then check him out in The Lookout if you don't believe me) but I just don't see him in this role quite yet. Months ago we got word that Snyder was this close to nabbing Cruise and people. It would have been the absolute most perfect choice. It's a pretty small role but it's a pretty important one and Cruise could have walked into the film and stole it from under everyone. Ozymandias is almost larger than life, a man too popular, too famous for his own good perhaps. Sound familiar?

Dr. Manhattan

Who is cast: Billy Crudup

Who should be cast: The Keanu

Description: A god in the way Superman was one; the most super superhero in the Watchmen world. This dude takes his vacations to Mars.

I'm going to steal from the early rumor mill once again. I loved the idea of Keanu Reeves playing Manhattan and my heart broke a little when it turned out it wasn't going to happen. Keanu has the right sense of obliviousness and not-quite-with-us-on-earthness that the role needed. That was a compliment.

Silk Spectre

Who is cast: Malin Akerman

Who should be cast: Samantha Morton

Description: Second generation superhero, anchors most of the emotion in the story. Digs blue-skinned guys like Manhattan but has a thing for owls as well.

I know very little of Malin other than her brief stint on Entourage and for all I know, she'd be a swell Spectre. But she strikes me as a little young for the role. I don't really have a great reason why Morton should be cast. I just think she doesn't get nearly enough credit as an actress.

Nite Owl

Who is cast: Patrick Wilson

Who should be cast: Matthew Fox

Description: He's a techno gearhead with self-esteem issues (it doesn't help that his costume is of an owl). A slightly wussified Batman.

Snyder tagging Patrick Wilson is dead-on I think but if I could pick anyone else, it would have to be Fox. The guy has perfected leadership mixed with self-doubt, guilt and sad nostalgia on Lost for a good three seasons. All he has to do now is put on a corny owl costume.

The Comedian

Who is cast: Jeffrey Dean Morgan

Who should be cast: Gerard Butler

Description: Fascist ex-military ex-superhero whose death sets things in motion in the Watchmen world

I don't watch a lot of TV so I'm not too familiar with Morgan but I do know that Snyder turned Butler into a star in 300 and dude needs to return the favor. The Comedian is one mean cat and we'll mostly see him in flashbacks. Butler has the right amount of ruff and gruff the role requires.

Hollis Mason

Who is cast: Stephen McHattie

Who should be cast: Paul Newman

Description: The original Nite Owl was old-school with a strong moral sense. Acts as a mentor and friend to Patrick Wilson's Nite Owl.

Another piece of casting I like but when I read the comic, I always imagined Paul Newman. He's retired, I know. But so is the original Nite Owl. Boo-yah!

This is a lot of noise for a movie that hasn't even begun shooting yet, but get used to it. The fanboys are going to be watching this one like a hawk. Or at least an owl.

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Dre writes three times a week for He learned from The Incredibles that superheroes should never wear capes. E-mail him!

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