Trailer Parked: Across The Universe, Knocked Up

Hello, boys and girls, once again it's time we take a peek at everyone's favorite part of going to the movies: coming attractions.

Across The Universe

Directed by: Julie Taymor

Starring: Jim Sturgess, Evan Rachel Wood, Joe Anderson, Dana Fuchs, Bono and Eddie Izzard

I'm not going to earn any man points here, but if I had to pick one movie I'm looking forward to seeing this year above anything else, it isn't Spider-Man 3 or 300 or any other big-budget feature. It's Across The Universe, the new Julie Taymor musical about three friends living and learning against the backdrop of the turbulent '60s, all told through era-defining songs by The Beatles. Looking back at my childhood, I can honestly say my adolescence was heavily influenced by five major things. They are:

1. The Godfather

2. The Beatles

3. The Yankees

4. "The Belt"

5. Aroz con pollo

Suffice to say, I'm a Beatles fan. No, I'm not a big fan of I Am Sam (don't remind me), but I have a very good feeling about this. With actors inhabiting roles the likes of Mr. Kite (Eddie Izzard), Jude (Jim Sturgess) and Lucy (Evan Rachel Wood), expect a ton of Beatles references. The film is directed by Julie Taymor, who last helmed Frida. I didn't care for that movie (unibrows are not my thing), but I am a very big fan of her previous effort, the criminally underrated and little-seen Titus. I've watched this trailer a good five or six times, and it hits in all the right ways. The covers and visuals seem to work beautifully. If this movie isn't in my top ten at the end of the year, that means it seriously disappointed me.

Watch the Trailer
Knocked Up

Directed by: Judd Apatow

Starring: Seth Rogen, Katherine Heigl, Paul Rudd, Leslie Mann

This movie is getting "funniest movie of the year" buzz, and so far things are looking good. I haven't seen this trailer in a theatre yet, but I assume it's getting enough laughs to get people to the theatre opening night (the way I hear it, this isn't one of those comedies where all the funny parts are in the trailer). Seth Rogen (re-teaming with The 40-Year-Old Virgin director, Judd Apatow) and Katherine Heigl play two people (as opposed to aliens) who have a one-night stand, forget about each other for a couple of months but are forced to re-enter a relationship because the stork has dropped something on their laps (and it ain't a pickle).

Rogan is a likable guy onscreen, and this movie just might make a star out of him. Meanwhile, the beautiful and talented Heigl gets her first major shot on the silver screen, and so far, I have to say ... Grey's Anatomy, you're on notice. Paul Rudd is someone I always thought of as an "I-can-take-him-or-leave-him" kind of actor, but in the last few years he has been killing (it all started with the immortal Brian Fantana). Not surprisingly, he delivers one of the funniest lines in the trailer: "Marriage is like a very unfunny version of Everybody Loves Raymond. But it doesn't last 22 minutes, it lasts forever." Yes, jokes about the institution of marriage will never die.

Watch the Trailer
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Dre writes five times a week for, covering movies and DVD with his Floridian flare. E-mail him!

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