Lance and Reichen Split (For Real This Time)

Lance and Reichen split for good. Lance must have heard about Reichen's famous wandering eye, because he's changed his MySpace song to fellow *NSYNCer's "What Comes Around Goes Around." Cute. [MollyGood]

Scarlett and Marky Mark?! If I were her I would waste no time at restaurants; I'd just get him straight to a roller coaster. [Evil Beet]

I've resigned myself to the fact that no one is ever going to explain to me why Keeley Hazell is famous. But she sure is hot. [The Blemish]

My apologies to the haters, but Andy Dick is really, really funny. [X17]

Candid photos of an Olsen twin putting her mouth on someone else's body? Never gets old. [CW]

Also in underage antics: Hilary Duff gets wasted at Hyde. [Monica Monroe]

The K-Fed Super Bowl commercial leaked. [Pop on the Pop]

Gideon Yago peaces out at MTV, gives audience waaay too much credit. [IBBB]

The Evil Beet

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